[Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 @ 2:26 a.m.]
[ Oh Zoloft, Where Art Thou? ]

I miss being on Zoloft. I was on it several years ago, around '99 actually. I think my attitude towards life got better too, and I had some motivation. That 's the only drug I'd rather be on. I've smoked pot, and I do miss smoking it with my friends in Vancouver, but I've gone almost 7 months now.

I was tidying up my room, of all things to do, and I found a small dime bag. It had flecks of pot, barely visible, and I was wishing there was enough, along with some rolling papers.

Earlier, my mom and I were watching, "Celebrity Break-Ups", and there was mentioning of drugs, which caused my mom to say, "When will they ever learn!". If only she knew.......

My only stimulant is coffee. I never use to drink the stuff until I'd spent a year in Vancouver, now I love the stuff. I drink it at night when I get the urge. I don't drink enough water to stave off dehydration, then I wonder why I'm feeling ill. Silly me.

I crave too many stimulants, since I'm not even circulating amoungst other lesbians. Too afraid my dad will turn it into an ugly drama; he may be straight, but he's the drama queen of the household, not the king he aspires to be. I hide my Swerve Magazine under my bed, I use the internet at night just for freedom's sake and I'm too old for this! I've got to make some money and move out of here! This is killing me! My sexual frustration will build: I might even do all the chores here! They'll get the wrong idea and find me a nice Jamaican man. With any luck, he'll be gay and he'll take me to the pride parade where I'll disguise myself or something crazy like that. Sheesh! What would I do without porn? Mmmm.....lovely!

I really miss being on Zoloft.

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It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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