[Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004 @ 1:06 p.m.]
[ Tumblin In Hot Air ]

I'm waiting for my clothes to dry. I had used up all of my underwear and I'm not going to turn any of them inside out just to get a second use out of them [anymore]. Those and my uniform are tumbling in the dryer. My dad is outside mowing the lawn, keeping busy. Once my laundry is ready, I'm off to work for another 4 hours of slave labour, then off to rehearse a play I barely have memorized. I was going over them last night, but I won't get them all down.

I was on the bus to work the other day when this androgynous woman gets on. I thought she was cute and I sat back and observed, until the man behind her, her boyfriend, cuddled up to her. I wanted to barf. On them. My heart sank. Whether I was straight or gay, I still have no luck. I felt this downward spiral hit me as I attempted my duties at work. There was one co-worker, a small petite girl, who seemed full of woe as usual, when I gave her a hug. Her boyfriend, one of the managers, says, "Hey, that's my girlfriend. I'm jealous now", to which I said, pointing into his chest, "You should be", then moved on. He utters as he flips burgers, "Chuffnutt is a good person, and not too bad on the eyes either."

Well, I was very flattered. Just when I have major doubts about myself, I hear something like that.

One morning, when I opened the restaurant, I was joking about how cantankerous my dad is, repeating how brisk he was with me that morning, to which one girl said, "That's sad", and I retorted, "Your sad is my funny". I suppose I wanted it to come off as funny, making light of my dad's behaviour towards me, as if it doesn't effect me. My mom use to be the same way years ago, but stress from work plus my dad's jerking her around has made her frustrated. My dad claims that all women are crazy, which he's been saying all my life, and he's the reason why. His self-fulfillilng prophesy is to drive us crazy so he can state it on a weekly basis. One day some woman will go crazy on him and he'll get a taste of his own medicine.

Anyway, I must prepare for my day. I hope if I become addicted to anything, its work. I really hope I get to do background work soon. It pays so much more and I love being on set. I'd rather do background work but it's not often enough I get called for it, especially in Winnipeg. Even in Vancouver I only got so much, but not enough to survive, hence the reason I moved back here. I know I'll get called, but not for a role. I need to go out for more independent stuff, where I'll get some good roles instead.

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He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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