[Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 @ 10:49 p.m.]
[ It's Like, The Heat, Man! ]

The whole world is way too hot outside.

Just being awake is unbearable. Walking to the theatre is torturous when the sun beats down on me. I enter the Deaf Centre and on my way to the basement, where the green room is, the halls are thick with heat. Basements are naturally cooler, but this one had some heat seeping in. I was oblivious to the hot lights on-stage, focussing on my lines and the play in general. During moments when I have to act like I'm listening, like I do to the other actor telling a story around the campfire, the heat dawns on me, like a tap on the shoulder to remind me that I'm sweating up my costume, a mere piece of living meat saturated with heat, sweat clogging my pores. I can't squirt enough Febreze to scare away the body odor, but it's the effort that counts. Someone had the nerve to make coffee, but I love the stuff so much that I absent-mindedly grab a cup and shoot it back like whiskey. Can't get enough of it, even in this agonizing weather!. During the show, I also needed to pee, but I'm on-stage most of the time, and when I'm off, I don't have time to dash off and take a squirt, so when I plough away at our kiddie show, I almost forget I have to go, until it's close to curtain time. We march on, clasp hands, bow, then march off. I'm thinking I can relieve myself, but then we have to go upstairs to sign autographs. It's a tradition with the theatre, and I sign a few, no huge deal. The younger actress asks an autographee what her favorite part of the show was, and the little girl points to me and says,"When she becomes a Queen", which gave an interesting perspective on the ending. It never occurred to me that she'd become a Queen, but I'm slow sometimes. Something to add to my character.

This heat won't go away. I feel sticky constantly. I want to peel off this heat and heave a sigh of relief. I couldn't wait for winter to end so I could relish the heat, now I'd love to frolick around in the snow just to cool off.

The heat also makes me a bit horny, baby! Everyone is looking luscious and delectible.


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