[Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 @ 2:03 a.m.]
[ Subject:Teachers ]

I hated school. Still do.

I couldn't wait to graduate and be done with it.

When I think of teachers, I can only really think of all the drama teachers I've had the priviledge of being taught about acting, including the ones from acting schools and workshops, then the student loans, and the creditors/preditors who haunted me thereafter. Bastards.

I also think of one teacher who failed me. Well, I was a poor student and had no motivation, but her name was Mrs. Cohen, and she only stands out because I failed grade 4. She didn't have a huge impact on me, except that I've seen her a couple of times this year. The one time that stands out was when I was working at Wal-Mart; she was checking out some items and I was the cashier dealing with them. I called her attention to the fact that I was in her class, but she was pretty casual about it. Really, how was she to remember me, after teaching for so many years? I recalled that she was pregnant the year I was her student, that she went on maternity leave, and she said that her son is now 23 years old. I don't know what he looks like, but if I ever meet him, I can say I remember him when he was only a fetus. He'd only blink at me a couple of times them give me the cold shoulder or something.

Anyway, one drama teacher that stands out is Ms. Higgins, who I thought was cool, and whenever she demonstrated an excersize, I thought she was talented: It was in her drama class that I decided on becoming an actor. I also think of Mr. Nattress, who I later found out years later was gay. Also, his sister, who was a music teacher was also gay, and was apparently dating one of the students, who's image is imprinted in my brain.

Anyway, I've never had a crush on most of my teachers, since I thought they were all ugly. There was one though, Mr. Cameron, who was really nice, kinda cute, who taught Power Technology. My thinking at the time for taking the course was that I'd one day have to deal with a car. Ever since Marsha Brady said, "I can't build a clock, but I can tell time" on the episode about the battle of the sexes over driving, I thought that was so profound and a good reason to take the class.

Anyway, another teacher that comes to mind is Mr. Jones, as in Byron Jones, the man my mom says is my real father. I still don't want to meet him, and I....well, I suppose medical history is a good reason to hook up with your blood-kin, eh?

Teachers: I thought of becoming one once, when I was a teen, but my desire to become an actor took over. Since my parents want me to better myself these days, I've been thinking of becoming a drama teacher. I always picture myself very miserable, attempting to tame the wild young'uns while I fight off a nervous breakdown, while my family heaves a sigh of relief then die soon after.

That wasn't a malicious thought.

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