[Friday, Apr. 16, 2004 @ 8:53 p.m.]
[ My Sister. ]

I have a half sister. Her dad is the one who raised me, but he's not my biological father. Since he adopted me, I'm his child, but that's it. I met my sister when I was about 7 years old and we seemed to get along then. Years later, I don't know what happened to her, but she seemed to have some emotional scars on her and a little on the abrasive side. She rubbed me the wrong way. I'm trying not to say I hate her, but we aren't compatible humans. The last time I talked to her on the phone was several years ago. I asked for her new phone number and address and she nervously said she couldn't do that. I can't even remember what excuse she gave, but in between the lines, I read that she didn't want much contact with me. One of the questions she asked me was, "Do you have a man?" a little louder that usual and I simply said no. Long pause before we filled the space with other crap. I guess she's not one to pussy-foot around with words but she's a bit off-putting.

Dad thinks it's a shame that we don't communicate more often. It sucks that we don't mix.

The phone rang and when I answered it, she simply said, "Hi". I don't hear from her in years and I'm suppose to remember her. Sometimes voices over the phone sound alike to me, so when she was too casual about it, I just went along, then only realising who it was. I felt cheated that she wasn't more pleasant. Our chit-chat lasted only a minute and a half until I handed it to my dad. He phoned her earlier and now she was responding to him.

I'll feel better about things when we go to pick up mom from the airport; mom's not crazy about her either so I don't feel completely alone. There must be a lot of experiences she went through to turn out the way she has, but she's also a female version of my dad, but shorter and lighter-skinned. I'd be surprised if I ever saw her again in this lifetime.

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