[Saturday, May. 10, 2003 @ 10:33 p.m.]
[ The Usual Saturday. ]

As usual, on saturdays, my mom and I went to the cheap theatre, and this time we embarrassed ourselves. I looked up at the sign outside, and one of the times said 12:05, so we went inside to get our tickets. The box office booths were empty, so my mom knocked on the counter to get someone's attention. "Is it free today?" my mom said with a smile, and the blonde girl marching to the booth said, "No, it's 2 dollars", like a humourless bastard she was. I buy some popcorn while the rest of the staff lingers around. We go to get our tickets ripped, but there's no one to do the checking, so we proceed onward into the theatre and step inside to see that there's no one else. "Is the theatre closed or something?" my mom said, and I said, "It just means we can talk out loud". We're sitting there for 15 minutes before we're provoked into action: I get up to ask some tall lanky young'un, "Isn't the movie suppose to start?". He informs me that the movie doesn't start until 1:05pm. I relay this info to my mom, and thinking it needs more aggression, she gets up to talk to the same kid. He patronizingly points out the sign, adding,"I don't know how people don't see this" just to insult us more. He offers to refund our tickets, but we decide to come back later, which we did.

The service industry causes one to look upon customers as idiots, like this punk obviously did with us. I may have been impatient with other customers in all the crappy jobs I've tolerated. You'd really have to love what you do to muster up some sincerity given to the public. This is the reason I'm so glad I'm unemployed.

By the way, I'd sent my photo and resume to some background casting agents, and one of them called me yesterday: if she calls me today, I'm working tomorrow, otherwise I'm definitely working monday. I should be greatful that I'll be on-set. I'm just curious of how standards are out here versus Vancouver. I'll always be comparing the two, as long as I'm out here, and as long as I'm plugging away at acting.

Speaking of hopeless, I wonder of this other actress I knew of in Vancouver. She was also struggling, was from New York, was in her 40's, maybe 50 by now, and I wonder if she's being delusional, meaning I'm projecting myself upon her, wondering if I'm being delusional? I expressed an interest in Buddhism for a while, which she introduced me to, but after I lost interest, she kept at me to attend meetings, and it got me irritated. All that negativity is gone now, and I wonder how she'd doing?

I don't know if I'll ever get what I aspire to, or what.

I broke away from my beaded jewellery-making to write my thoughts, then I stared at the blank screen with an equally blank stare. Right after this, any entry will come to the tip of my brain, and I may erase this one or have a double, or wait a couple of hours to enter it "tomorrow". Anyway, I'm making my mom a necklace for mother's day. Every holiday/observation/festival/ritual always strikes an ugly chord with someone. Some hate Christmas, others hate hallowe'en, mother's day hurts those who've lost theirs, same with father's day. Some want nothing to do with their mothers or fathers, other religions are offended by certain holidays, etc. How do you repair someone's day?

While Soaking in Lavendar... - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2019

He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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