[Monday, Sept. 01, 2003 @ 10:33 p.m.]
[ Ramblings 3 ]

A friend told me weeks ago that since I'm living with my parents, they're basically my roommates. If I were paying any rent and other bills, that would be true, especially if I were also cooking all of my meals.

I had a leisurely day with my parents today, hanging out with them, taking the digital-8 camera around town so my dad could witness his absent-mindedness played back to him. My younger brother was coming down with something, so we swung by to check on him, coming back with some 'Halls' cough drops and chinese food. It didn't feel much like a holiday, just another Sunday.

I made a wonderful discovery today. My mom and I really needed to use the bathroom so when we were parked near the Assiniboine Zoo, we really needed to pee. We didn't want to pay a whopping $3.75, so we went into the gift shop. Searching in the back of the store, I saw a doorway, unmarked, and when I motioned for my mom to follow me through it, it lead into the Zoo: we basically snuck in withouty paying! Since I had the digital camera with me already, we went into the Kinsmen's Discovery Centre that had snakes, birds and, my favourite part, Bats! Yes, rats with wings, flying around. Some of them were hard to see, so I switched on the night-time button on the camera, and all the dark areas were hi-lighted in a green glow. 'twas beautiful! We came out after my mom felt guilty for not telling dad we were taking in the critters, when I spot him outside the gates. I record him paying the teller, entering, then his reaction when we tell him of the "secret passageway" we discovered. We even tried to phone him on his cellphone, but as usual, he had it turned off. He kept saying that he was going to phone us, but as the saying goes, woulda, coulda, shoulda, but didn't!. Going to the zoo brought back many memories of school field trips, seeing empty cages with the sign, "Endangered Species" in front, feeling jipped, but now, I have those critters on video so I can look back and say, "I remember that before it was extinct." When I was little, I use to love watching "The Jerry Lewis Labour Day Telethon", but now it's out of my system. It dawned on me today that I have an audition tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that.

The best thing about being an adult, unless you're a teacher, is not going back to school after labor day. It replaced that feeling of christmas that I use to love many many years ago, before I got bombarded with really crappy/grown-up gifts, like clothes and "useful" gifts. Knowing I don't have to go back and do poorly on tests/exams/chin-ups gives me a warm sensation in my chest. I couldn't wait to graduate high school, and that's the one thing I don't miss about my earlier youth. If I'm ever back at school, then it'll be on a TV show resembling "21 Jump Street" or some other production. The last time I was actually on the grounds of a school was when I was doing background extra work for "Dead Zone:The Series", and Anthony Michael Hall noticed that I was always working on set. He smiled and said, "You're always here!", and then I jokingly said, "I'm stalking you." That was a dumb thing to say, but luckily he was ignoring me. That was just last year September or August. Ah, memories.......

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