[Sunday, May. 18, 2003 @ 6:05 p.m.]
[ On This Rainy Sunday. ]

After digesting my rice noodle w/mixed vegetables dish, I'm still sitting at the computer again. I've been here for most of the day. My mom and I were intending on going to the Wellness Centre, but the heavy rain discouraged us, and we haven't stepped outside all day. Flashes of yesterday's audition would hit me now and again, but it wasn't that bad. Actually, it was rather a typical one. I didn't blow his socks off or anything. If I do get called, it'll be for background work, since Kari Casting does specialize in that area.

I may be going on audition like this for a long time before I hit paydirt. Yeah, I should be fortunate that I get to audition at all, but the idea is to land the job, to build my resume and make a living from my chosen profession. I go there, early, and there were only 2 young guys, dressed like they're hanging at the neighborhood pub. I was all made-up and wearing a skirt, but it's sometimes better to be overdressed than under, for me anyway. Ross, the guy holding the auditions, comes out and ushers me into the room in the back, while a guy with a camcorder adjusts the lighting and what have you: it's the same camera guy that J.H. uses! I pointed him out, and his response was, "I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere", while he's eye-balling the viewfinder. I say my name and phone number into the camera; I told only my cellphone number, figuring I'm more reachable than my home phone, listed on my resume. I need more headshots, I'm running out. Ross just barrells into the scene and I'm ready for him, so we do it and his suggestion afterwards is to add a bigger pause after I say, "I picked up the receiver to call a friend, only to hear Greg on the other line in the den", big pause, then, "He was whispering!" This is suppose to be a comedic moment, and I attempted it as best I could. "Thank you" he says, without even looking at me, and ushers me out to snag another actor. At least I had the lines down, but not the role. Anyway, there'll be other auditions, other opportunities.

I hope.

Oh yeah, watch out for crap like this and this also. I keep getting e-mails from some "lawyer" or some "banker" for some rich guy who died, who then wants me to hold $2.2 million dollars in my bank account, of which I'll get 20% of. AS IF!Even if you tell them no, they'll keep your e-mail address on file to send out to other scam artists, and they'll rain all over you until you're sopping wet with their scams and con games.


While Soaking in Lavendar... - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2019

He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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