[Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 @ 10:36 p.m.]
[ What Will & Grace Character Am I? ]

Grace Adler:Quirky.Funky.Cute

You're Grace Adler. You're quirky and energetic and you have a soft spot for gay men. You're ultra-creative and you have a funky crazy fashion sense.

brought to you byQuizilla

Doing this test, I thought I'd be Jack or Karen.

I can definitely agree with the word 'quirky' because it could mean anything, really. Whenever someone is described as 'nice' or 'funny', it's so generic, but 'quirky' is more intriguing. I prefer the company of gay men, although straight men are interesting when it comes to the way they think. Just the whole ideal of what a man is suppose to be versus who they are as individuals, then they are in competition with the ideal man they're suppose to be. I think about this, just because I'm not one. I get self-centered at times, and sometimes I try to think of whoever is different from me. At least I try to. I always think that straight men would hate me because they think I'm personally rejecting them, and that bothers me. What does my sex-life have to do with them? If he's thinking of me, is it because he's visualizing it with another girl to get off on? Sometimes straight white men's thinking grosses me out. Other times, straight black men's minds freak me out, but generally men's minds scare me. Just the whole idea of the patriarchy lording over the whole world, invading my freedom and all, and since it's been around since the fall of the matriarchy, I feel powerless about it.

The whole system's messed up anyway. It gives me a headache. Like right now.


As for the funky crazy fashion sense, I wish I could find a different one. I look back on old photos and wanna barf.

How will I improve my friggin' life?

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