[Sunday, Sept. 07, 2003 @ 8:14 p.m.]
[ A Perfect Day, Except One Little Thing. ]

I had a good time at the picnic, but right now I'm distracted.

I was getting a ride from "Velda/Old Crone/Spirit" when she was asking me directions to get back home. I saw a road to take, but she said no, we didn't hit it yet. So, I look like an idiot for not speaking up enough when she goes on and on about the long and winding road we eventually took to get all the way to my place, a route that took longer rather than the one I pointed out to her, but she said no. I can't get it out of my head that she thinks less of me. I had a great time at the picnic, yet this stupid little navigational error is dominating my thinking space. After all that fun, I'm all funned out, with a tension headache on top of it, and her nagging voice repeating itself inside. I use to like her, especially her acting, but now Im building some negative feelings towards her. I don't want to grow to resent her, but I feel I could go in that direction. I don't know when the next time will be when I see her, but I hope whatever negativity I have for her will simmer down and melt away.

I hate when this happens! I had a good day, and one petty little things comes up to shit all over it to ruin it. This'll be swimming around my head for a while.

That and "Man/Father/Wise Man" bad actor, who is now officially a bad karaoke singer, kept tailing me wherever I went. I don't want to assume, but I think he has a crush on me. I might be ridiculous in thinking this, but there he was, wherever I went. I finally saw "Woody"'s wife, who was taller than I thought, and looks like she could carry Woody over her head.

All in all, my day wasn't totally blemished by the car ride.

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