[Saturday, Sept. 06, 2003 @ 10:32 p.m.]
[ Well, Hello Benydral! ]

I cough. I hate it. This mild asthma isn't so mild, but I cough occasionally, especially on stormy days. Right now, I'm on Benydral(sic), so the world is a little syrupy.

I was a little concerned about tomorrow's picnic, considering I have no money, and I didn't shop today. I wish I had more cough syrup, since coughing sucks. I also feel sedated yet I also feel like I'm gonna barf. There's that feeling like the syrup is settling at the bottom of my gut, and my eyes can't quite focus on one thing too long, since my brain feels like it's floating.

I can't remember the last time I went to a BBQ; my brother looked at me, repeating,"A vegetarian at a barbeque?" I can survive one, especially if I eat something first. I don't have a whole lot to bring, but since I was to bring a lawn chair, my bro lent me his, easily.

I really feel rubbery right now.

I mostly tagged along with my mom, doing errands, meanwhile when we went to Wal-Mart, I bumped into another guy who started there the same time I did, talking about me re-applying there with no success and about him thinking of quitting. Not a very exciting day, but there's a couple of hours left, so who knows what'll happen.

Nah, my family has no sense of adventure.

I'm off to conk out and nap.

While Soaking in Lavendar... - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2019

He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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