[Thursday, Nov. 25, 2004 @ 11:40 p.m.]
[ I'm Off My Chuffnutt! ]

I really need to get out more.
I've really loved spending most of my time doing shows and all, but my social life sucks! I tell myself now and then that celibacy is for me, then I get tense and irritable, especially now that I'm pms-ing. It's to the point where EVERYONE looks good. No matter how incompatible or dangerous they look, there's always a part of me that thinks, "I'd do them". It doesn't matter who it is, my imagination creates scenarios to compensate for lack of interaction. I see another year coming, then it'll be 3 years! I've forgotten what sex is like. It's like I've re-virginised! I'm back to square one again. I'm a born-again virgin! I'm surprised I don't have nightmares about cats and beavers chasing me, chanting, "feed me, feed me!" My Poor neglected crotch! It's starving. I can only do so much to it before it gets boring. Actually, it has become boring. Dare I spell it out for you? Nah, just think about it and it'll come to you. I have faith in your intelligence.

I don't surround myself with luscious ladies often enough. I'm not that "out" to many people, especially at work. Others can talk openly and freely about their lovers, their wives/husbands and their straight sex lives, but I'm baffled that no one even questions me. I wonder if anyone gossips about me at work? One girl even suggested that I hook up with the GM, who's got the same hair as I do, meanwhile he's engaged. I don't want another man ever again! In fact, my new year's resolution is: No heterosexual sex all year!
I think I can easily swing that. Hell, I've swung the "no sex" thing all year.
I feel funny about pursuing a sex life while living under my parent's roof. Nevermind the fear of bringing them home. What about explaining to someone who wants to come over and I tell them that I live with my parents? Would you go home with someone who does? If you wanted to pursue a relationship with someone who was in their 30's, lived at home and has one parent who's homophobic, how would you handle it? It's a wonder I was still living in Vancouver for so long. I knew I'd feel sentenced and restricted once I came back. Maybe it's just an excuse to protect myself from the consequences of sex? It's also a wonder I'm so jubilant on the job: all this unused sexual energy is coming out of my ears. One straight girl I was chatting with mentioned that her Chinese horoscope sign was a snake. When I said I was a monkey, she says, "You can play with me." I knew what she meant, but my libido quietly said, "Is that an invite?" Sometimes I feel like a bird wriggling out of its cages despritely. Too many single good-looking youths at work.

I've got all this free time with no shows to do until January, then I'm doing the Cabaret again in the spring. Until then, I'll be fantasizing about indiscriminate bisexual orgies. I'll be eye-ballling even homeless people, wondering, "I bet they don't smell so bad once you screw them?" or "That grime is so sexy!" or some sort of phrase that'll blind me from the fact that I'd perform a desprite act of lust and get arrested for it. Well, not really, but the frightening image lingers in the corner of my brain.

I hope I don't fall asleep in my work uniform again tonight. For a vegan, I shouldn't smell like salty meat, then slather my bed in it.

Next month, today, is christmas.

While Soaking in Lavendar... - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2019

He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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