[Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 @ 11:32 p.m.]
[ "The Phone Was Cut Off Today". ]

The phone rang for the last time today.

It had that destinctive long distance ring that had the lamest beat to it, so we knew when the creditors from Toronto were calling. I always know it's them, for the OGM gets cut off before it finishes, so my mom's friendly voice doesn't get a chance to say its usual, "Thank you" at the end of it. My dad seemed miffed that I didn't answer it, for he thought it would be SprintCanada callling, again, and he wanted to shout and bitch at them to start his day. First his cellphone on Saturday, now our landline today. Luckily I bought a card for my own cellphone or else potential jobs won't call to tell me they won't be hiring me. My dad tried to blame me: The creditors are in Toronto, the ring was a long distance indicator, yet MTS is local, so it wasn't them. Arguing with my dad is like throwing yourself at a brick wall with the hopes that it'll crumble.

When my dad leaves for work, my mom arrives 15 minutes later. Loaded down with groceries, she hauled in several bags that I helped with. As we stacked them away, I said, "The phone was cut off today". "Now I'm depressed", she said; If I'd know that would've depressed her, I wouldn't have said that, but she would've found out somehow. This makes her more disappointed in the man my dad is, for that's his responsibility. If I had the money, I'd have paid that bill. I've done it before too, so I'd do it again. I'd need another thousand bucks! The only pleasant sound was when my mom watched, "Are You Being Served?" and her laugh rang through the house while I watched, "Kill Bill V.1" again. My friend BT said he got in on the Manchester Market with some other copies of DVD's and CD's. Tomorrow is Rememberance day, so my mom doesn't have to get up so early. The month is still early, so something is bound to happen.

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I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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