[Sunday, Nov. 09, 2003 @ 10:28 p.m.]
[ I Love My Mommy! ]

My mom and I did some dusting today, and she happened to dig through her stuff in her drawers. I was in the living room, dusting down the TV cabinet, when she enters with an envelope of stuff that my brothers and I gave her as gifts over the years. There were things I didn't even remember giving until I saw them before me: a plaque out of clay with "V.I.P." on the front, some other cards I'd made for mother's days and birthdays over the years, a particular favourite one she'd showed me where I'd painted the both of us that just made me feel nostalgic, even an envelope I drew onto, with a view from my window when I lived on Haro street in Vancouver; Maybe it was the Black Cohosh that's affecting my emotions (excellent for PMS), but I adored her more. It gave me an idea for what to get my mom for X-mas, like a fancy box to store all this into. My mom is 60, and I constantly think of the day where I'll have to accept that she won't be around any longer. I hate when that thought pops into my head.

Then, she showed what my dad saved over the years. Only a couple of cards were in his drawer. One of them, I'd painted the cover with acrylics, and the inside, I'd photocopied a poem titled, "I am a cab driver". I had a flash of the time when I was about 12 or 13, and I saw some of our gifts to him, most notably a piggy bank I'd made with an old Nestle's Quik can wrapped in baby blue construction paper and a white strip saying "Happy Father's Day" on it, sticking out of the trash can. "Your Father isn't sentimental at all" mom says. She mentioned how she had this paint set that she cherished, only to find out that dad had carelessly thrown it out, breaking her heart doing so. Sometimes I see that my dad makes an effort at things, but all I hear is my mother's depression. She's a domesticated person, loves being married, a mother and a wife, but it hurts to know that she's not happy sometimes. Makes me especially mad at dad sometimes too. I love him, but sometimes as absent-minded as he can be, his cluelessness about my mom's feelings seems heartless.

What do I do? Yell at him so he can tell me how he came all the way from Jamaica to help her raise me, and now I'm being ungratefull? My mom is such a wonderful person, and my dad doesn't appreciate her. He has no idea how he makes her feel. My mind is churning on ideas to put a smile on her face. It should be his job, but....

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