[Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003 @ 12:41 p.m.]
[ What The Hell Is Nick Nolte Doing In My Dream? ]

I had a dream last night. To say it was strange is irrelevent, since all dreams are strange.

I was hanging out with my lesbian friends when we went next door to visit a friend of a friend. I overheard my dad's voice as he was chatting with her upstairs in a loft area, so I snuck out. Me and my friends went to a hall where I lost my purse. I searched but came up with nothing. There was a swimming pool area without any working lights, but I went in anyway. Nobody else wanted to come in, but Nick Nolte was there, fixing some cable. I saw what needed to be done, so I restrung what turned out to be stereo cable. I later found a bed as the swimming pool disappeared and so I laid naked on it. Whenever I'm naked in a dream, I'm never handled or mistreated: I'm always safe. To my left was Nick Nolte and next to him was some other actor that's unfamiliar to me. Next thing I know, Nick is rolling over me so that I'm in between these men, and my arms are lying above me. Nick says,"How's it feel to be naked between men?" and I say, "Trustworthy". I felt like they weren't going to hurt or violate me.

There were other parts of the dream, but they're foggy right now. My dream recollection use to stick with me longer, but as I get older, they fade quicker. My dreams are always in color, never black and white, which I find even weirder. I love being naked in my dreams, since it's so liberating. It's like nobody makes a huge deal about it, and I can be naked all day, feeling safe. It's like the people in the dream have accepted that I'm naked and it's okay.

That won't swing in real life though.

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