[Friday, May. 16, 2003 @ 10:28 a.m.]
[ "So, How Was The Matrix?" ]

Last night, I saw "The Matrix", and it was pretty good. That sounded like a bland description, but it was a sequel after all, and they follow the same formula of the original movie. Whenever there were scenes of just talking, it felt like I was watching "The Matrix: The Series", but of course everyone went to see how the special effects would out-do the original. Even the dramatic scenes in the first one were cool. During the "100 battling Smith's" scene, they and Keannu looked like animation. I don't want to give away too much of the movie, if you're going to see it, and even if you could care less, you'll be hearing about it for the next few months in the media, since, "The Matrix:Revolution" is coming in November, giving us very extended foreplay.

My younger brother Glen, my cousins Michael & Claudine and I, went to see this, thinking there'd be mayhem all over the Polo Park SilverCity building: It was an average Thursday for the theatres, and we were tenth in line. I dashed out to buy some popcorn and Claudine and I were eating most of it in the line, when she spots a cute guy passing us: I think she's either a virgin or hasn't had sex in a very long time. Maybe it's that we haven't spent enough time together and caught up on who we are as adults. I knew Michael before Claudine was even born, but I was maybe a year and a half, so my memory wasn't even developed yet. Anyway, she's quizzing me on what type of guy I like and going through every ethnicity: white, black, asian, and I'm just saying "Not really", not even alluding to my real desires. I want her to see me as the same person she's always known, but most people, I don't know about her, will line you up with the stereotype filed away in their narrow-minded thinking, and I'm afraid she may think that way of me. I felt the anxiety spinning in my gut, even during the movie. If I came out to her during the movie, she'd be triggered everytime someone asked, "So, how was the Matrix?", and she's say, "My Cousin is one of those!", accompanied by the limp-wristed gesture, then putting her face in her hands to drown out her sobbing. Me and my imagination, eh? After that first time coming out, you're doing it for the rest of your life. Coming out to friends is one thing, coming out to strangers is another, but coming out to relatives is a whole 'nother story! The itch to fly off to Vancouver during moments like these is giving me a rash.

I came home and there was a message on the machine from Lori from Kari Casting to audition on Saturday at 3:30pm.

While Soaking in Lavendar... - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2019

He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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