[Saturday, Aug. 27, 2005 @ 4:10 a.m.]
[ "Magic Bus" ~ The Who ]

Right now, I have 3 bottles of weak strawberry coolers in me [2 of them I aksed someone to add tequila to strengthen them] and I smoked pot! After several months, I inhaled a few puffs, figuring I might not get anymore. It was a small roach, so I sucked up as much as I could without being a hog.

I went to a going-away party tonight and knew I'd be shovelling intoxicants inside me. I'm not a party girl, but I partied. One of my hot managers, the tall female, said she had new respect for me after I was commenting on the girlie-girls in another section of the bus. The bus, being a school bus, being a party bus disguised as a yellow school bus which took us to a bar on the other end of town. "Are We There Yet?" I asked our host, but it was tongue-in-cheek. Whenever I had to run, to the bus or wherever, the whole world just jumped up and down with no real sequence in front of me. Everything didn't sit well, but luckily my stomach did. I rarely barf when I'm loaded. That's what the ex-employee ask; if I was loaded that is. To be around people in a certain setting is one thing, but to see them out of their element is another. I'm always curious about what my fellow wage-slaves are like outside the work environment and it never fails to pique my curiousity or my interest.

Must do this more often. Not to incriminate them but just to understand the human race more. You read about how people are, but you have to witness them for it to gel thicker.

I have to crash. I'm doing background extra work in several hours and I haven't slept yet.

I'm also hungry. Let's just say I have the munchies.

Apparently, the term i love threesomes picked up my page.

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