[Friday, Nov. 07, 2003 @ 10:05 p.m.]
[ "Today Was A Good Day"~Ice Cube ]

This morning, the only thing I was expecting was my package.

My friend, BT, emailed me and said he saw something while travelling, wanted my home address and was going to send me something, that I'd really love it. This morning, whenever I spot the mailman's head bobbing outside my window, that's my cue to check the mail. I was curious, yet hadn't a clue what my friend would get me. The package was the size of a DVD. I wondered if it was the Limited Edition of "Fight Club" that's no longer on the shelves. It definitely wasn't that. I opened it up, and it was "Kill Bill" on DVD! The movie isn't even out of the theatres yet, and I've got what I assumed to be a bootleg copy of it. Actually, it was a promotional copy, so that when you're watching it, the words, "Property of Miramax Films" was across the top of the film and the foreheads of the actors in it. The quality was cheap, and there were film breaks where the screen would go black, starting up again with the numerical countdown, then the next chapter would start. The end credits didn't even completely finish either. Hey, what do you want for a promotional copy? I'd have been really excited if it was Volume 2!

My actor friend, AA, whose play I was invited to see a couple of weeks ago, wanted to hang out today before he had the third last show before heading back to wherever on Monday. We met up at the sushi place my other friend and I went to last Saturday. It was good catching up on old times and talking about acting; get two actors together, there's going to be actor's shop-talk. He needed directions on how to get to the Manitoba Theatre Centre (MTC), so I guided him there, only to end up meeting one of the other young actors and then getting a tour of the theatre! I got to lay my eyes on the huge stage, one where I immediately fantasized prancing around and projecting my voice to the back row. Reminded me of the Vancouver Playhouse when I got to perform there for the first/last time in '96. I felt like a third wheel, and AA and the other actor, K, talked like professionals while here I was, whose last show was some kiddie production for free. We were shown this multi-purpose room for actors to hang or whatever, and on the wall were some actor's stills from past shows. Keanu Reeves, his still from "Hamlet" when he was here in '95, caught my eye. You can say what you want about his acting, but somehow people keep hiring him. He's cool. I don't think he's cute, really, but I'd work with him. Hey, he's Canadian, eh?

The two actors had a petty debate about his acting vs. his millions of dollars earned in our little theatre that he could've donated. A little heated, but it was just verbal wrestling that most guys do. My brothers do the same thing.

I didn't expect to see a bootleg movie and see the insides of a theatre today. Since this all happened on my younger brother's birthday, I've decided that his day is my lucky day. Happy 34th Birthday, bro!

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I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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