[Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 @ 9:34 p.m.]
[ Gas, Anxiety and Autographs ]

The day started out eventful, but not how I'd expected.

I was already awake. Mom had just gotten home from a night shift at work and only slept for 2 hours when the firemen came a-knockin'. "There's a gas leak and everyone has to evacuate their homes", he said. After 20 minutes, we got out and became on-lookers as the fire trucks littered up the road. One guy strolled over with a pad and pen from the Winnipeg Sun and jotted down a couple of things we knew little of. I had myself all ready to make the trek downtown and be in today's opening show, which seemed anti-climactic in comparison to the events earlier. There was even a chatty woman at the bus stop that conversed with me until she got off downtown, which shortened the ride. Another surprise happened when The Director called me and 2 of the other actors: A local TV channel wanted to interview us to 10pm tonight! I didn't think I'd see it, for I was getting ready for my actor's group that I hadn't attended in weeks. Anyway, one of the actors revealled that another one of the actors was jealous because of the attention we were getting with the interview. This is the same boy who not only had the most problems from the director, but has a website that he labelled his fan site. This boy doesn't have a career yet, is still working at MacDonalds, and has the pretension to have a fan site! I still haven't checked it out yet, but I will, mostly to check out how delusional this poor kid is. I hope he doesn't reveal an ugly side of himself as a resuslt of this whole thing.

The one thing that went through my brain was worry over forgetting my lines. I'd told myself to focus on the character and all that gobbledy-gook, but with the distraction of an audience, most of that struggled inside my head. There was no room for that, so it was a mental battle between what I knew and my fears. No matter how many times you've been on stage or in front of the camera, you always get hit with nervousness. I was informed weeks ago that we'd sign autographs, so right after tha curtain call, we all rushed up the back stairwell and into the lobby to sign in our character's names. I mistakenly signed my actual name, but hey, I didn't know any better. One down, 5 more days to go, performing in our smelly stinky outfits, but luckily someone had the good sense to buy some Febreeze, so I gave each of my outfits a good squirt before I took a bus downtown. I figured I'd linger around before going to my actor's group, but I phoned just in case. Good thing, for there was no meeting tonight, and I got to go home and take a nice bath.

I'll be watching TV tonight to see how the interview turned out.

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