[Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003 @ 11:51 p.m.]
[ Easy Breezy Sunday. ]

We rehearsed out play 3 times today.

It felt good to do that, to get it into our skin, to feel prepared for tomorrow's debut. I keep reminding myself that this'll be my first performance since moving back to Winnipeg. I'm excited. I feel like a part of me has reconnected again, doing something I love. At least I'm fulfilling some part of me.

We had a lunch break, and this one guy jokingly refers to me as "The Star" of the show. I don't feel much like one in a childred's play I'm not being paid for. I've done enough plays that whatever glamour I use to see in this 'biz' has faded, and the process of it thrills me more. Anyway, during our lunch break, I was noticing that they were asking me about my life in Vancouver, like any movies I'd done and stuff. Having lived it, there's no sparkle to it, but to explain star encounters and what it's like to do improv or a student film, or to try to point out one of the Blockbuster commercials I'm in for a split second, I get to see that look in theier eyes, as if I've had an amazing life, like I've told them my glory days.

All glory is fleeting: Please let me have more glorious moments!

In a week, the play will be over, and I'll be wondering about my next play/movie/background gig, coming down off that performance high I love, jonesing for it again.

It was refreshing to leave the theatre, to be outside on a Winnipeg Sunday and feel the relaxed city with 3-4 cars casually driving by, a couple of people standing at bus stops, the bus lazily making its way and stopping in front of me as I take the back seat of the bus, playing with my empty "Altoids" mini-container and watching the city through the window on my way home. Sundays are so calm and tranquil, but it's hard to fathom that there's a crime going on at that very moment. My younger brother went to Edmonton on Saturday, doing who knows what. He's a bit of a mystery sometimes, so I haven't a clue what he's doing there, aside from visiting our sister and other relatives, and maybe even checking out our old schools.

Hope he stays out of trouble.

I can't wait for this weather to let up.

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