[Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 @ 12:46 p.m.]
[ Drying Out Before The Screen. ]

I don't think everyone was on the ball last night.
Even the lead actress had a brain fart while reciting one of her shortest lines, pausing too long then continuing. Even I mixed up a couple of lines on stage. I always predict a performance where out of all of them, during the run, one of them will be off. Opening night was good, the marathon of 3 was pretty good, but by the end of the run, there'll be one where we'll be on fire! Possibly the friday night show. The Sat/Sun shows will be nooners, so our energies will be in a different place and a little more unpredictable.
I met up with some Vegetarians last night. There wasn't that much chemistry going on: one woman brought out her knitting, another brought out a board game. One guy heaved a sigh of boredom. If these aren't signs that the night had no juice, then I don't know what was. If I have to sit through one more game at this group, I may reconsider attending. What could I bring to the group? Maybe some expert who'd be interested in making an appearance and spice things up?
I got a call last night while I was on the bus: HMV received their copy of "The L Word" and since I'd put my name on a list to be notified, they called to tell me it had finally come in. I was expecting to hear from them in another month or not at all. Not that my whole life hinges on this series......well actually that's a lie. I've watched the episodes several times on my tapes and joined several yahoo! groups and another online group that won't meet up. I feel like the only Winnipeg fan of this show, yet I know of others who've heard of and watched this show. A friend of mine said she downloaded some episodes and has the soundtrack too. I'm not too interested in the soundtrack really. It's not too bad, but I'd rather have the show and what little extras that are put on there. There may be more on there than on the "Sex & The City" DVDs.
I'm sitting here in a towel after takinga bath and next I'm off to get my L Word DVD, which will cost over fi'ty bucks! I'm just glad I have a job that can afford me this luxury item.
I'm drying up. Must slather on some moisturizer. I discovered another movie review site today.

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