[Thursday, Oct. 30, 2003 @ 9:48 p.m.]
[ 50 Bucks Made My Dad Smile Today! ]

My dad is happiest over a 50 dollar bill.

He was grumbling on and on, like I were his wife or something, telling me about the creditors and phonebills on the land-line and cellphone. He was overflowing with complaints and at one point was looking out the window like he was hiding an oncoming bout of sadness. "I don't know where all my money goes", and his attention went to the falling snow outside, which he also hates. I was in my room, working on a beaded necklace for my mom that she asked me to make months ago, when he calls my name. He's got his hand deep in one of his socks, asking me what's in it, like I'm suppose to know this. Out pops, at the end of his fingertips, a 50 dollar bill! With the rustling I was expecting a 20 at the most, but his eyes bugged out of his head like he saw his deceased mother come to life. He was so excited. I even recalled 2 days ago where he felt he lost some money, telling him that this must be it, and his eyes bulged even bigger. For a while, his money troubles were over and forgotten.

He phoned my older brother to wire him some money: If I were employed, I could've paid some of the bills, but the reminder of all those rejection phonecalls and letters reminded me otherwise.

It's almost November. Need money.

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He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

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It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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