[Friday, Oct. 31, 2003 @ 11:01 p.m.]
[ I'm My Mom & Dad's Tag-a-long ]

The first half of my day, I hung out with my dad, running errands. Most of the time he talked my ear off, talking about his debts, but mostly about where I could find a job and what I'm doing wrong. Yes, that's what an umemployed person really needs, unsolicited advice. I can't ever say he doesn't talk to me, because my eardrums are cursing me for enduring his criticisms. He was suggesting that I take Wal-Mart off my resume, saying that that was the problem; he even hinted that they were racist! Crazy ol'Coot. Where's the joy once found in umemployment? I only want peace, and I get that moments at a time when I''m home alone or outside the family unit, but there's no mental rest. My head will blow from the sheer volume of it all. Sheesh! I know there are more qualified people out there that are out of work longer than I, and that there are those with less qualifications who've got jobs, yet my dad is verbally harassing me about what's wrong with me. The frustration brings sad moisture to my eyes.

I'm not the only one to be on the other end of my dad's chit-chat.

We went to this warehouse to buy a part for the washing machine: dad broke the knob and didn't want mom to find out. There were 2 women there, and as soon as dad showed her the part, she says, "I know it", and goes in the back to come back less than a minute later with the very part we needed. My dad was amaazed, but instead of thanking her, he says, "Do you know what this is for?". I felt her frosty stare of disbelief off of that sexist remark. The silence took too long, but we somehow managed to get out of there. Once in the car, I had to tell him of his remark and how it wasn't funny. "It was a joke!" he reasons, but I would've beem offended if some guy said a stupid thing like that. I even said, "If that were a man, would you've asked him that same question?" He looked at me for a while, conjuring up an answer he thought was believeable, but of course I didn't buy it. I wished I could've apologized for my dad's remark, but it was way too late.

My mom spent an extra hour at Wal-Mart, working, until she finally came out and sat in the back of the car, exhausted and looking forward to batting the badminton birdie around. Dad drove us to the Wellness Centre; He was talking, earlier, about how sometimes he feels sorry for her, putting in so many hours and getting diddley for it, being overworked and majorly stressed. Finally, some sensitivity! He's dropping us off when he asks "Who's going to pick you up?" My mom is confused, thinking he would, but he tries to hide a mischievious smile and says, "Oh, I'm going out with [younger brother], maybe", and his sensitivity went out the window. Just when I had some hope.......

I was thinking how last year today, when I was also at the Wellness Centre, I heard the news about Jam Master Jay of Run DMC being murdered, wondering who else will be dead tonight?

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