[Saturday, May. 31, 2003 @ 11:57 p.m.]
[ The Tower. ]

I was in my cousin Claudine's car, riding along with her to the cheap theatre to see,"Phone Booth", and she's asking me about boyfriends. I feared how she'd react, so all I said was that I didn't want to talk about it. A pause passed between us, and I said, "There's a whole lot you don't know about me", skirting around the issue. If I confess to anything involving my sex life, I'll be the one blamed for causing trouble. Someday, I'll have to bite the bullet, face the music, someday I'll be outed, and if none of those things happen, I'll still be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Phone Booth wasn't a bad movie. I wasn't sure if I was cold from the air conditioner or gripped with tension. I know she'll ask me about it again someday, and I hope I'll have the balls to say something. I have a comfort zone, and I fear venturing outside of it. You know what I mean: anything threatening, and I avoid it and hide in my comfort zone. It's like a brick tower, and someday, a bolt of lightning will strike it. Are you familiar with tarot cards? The Tower card represents a sudden strike, a disruption to our safety, and mine has been stricken, only I'm cowaring inside, thinking I'm still safe. I'm causing my own drama, awaiting to happen, and it'll be all my fault when it happens. I have the opportunity to go to Vancouver for a few days. A friend of mine is doing drag, and wants to do a number with me. She says that she'll pay my way, and to pay her back, I could do the number (I'd love to do, "The Girl Is Mine") and buy her a drink. I really want to go, but I've leeched off of enough people already. I have to tell her by tomorrow, or it's too late. I'll sleep on it.

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