[Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003 @ 11:45 a.m.]
[ Happy Belated Canada Day, Eh? ]

Yesterday was Canada Day, and hardly any of my family members wanted to do anything. I was a little choked that everyone complained about being tired and wanting to sleep so they could get to work tomorrow. "Get ready", my dad says, since he wanted to go out and take me to the fireworks at The Forks market. They have their fireworks every year, and when I was there 11 years ago, the fireworks exploded at the same spot; Good old predictability came through when we did get there, surfing through oceans of people, straight couple making out and guys fonding their girls in public, other groups of guys with their shirts off, girls wearing bikini tops (mmmm.....bikini tops), and families roaming around trying to fit in. There were a couple of street performers that reminded me of Vancouver, but most things remind me of it anyway. There were test fireworks going on in a different part of the sky as everyone rushed to get closer, but then the joke was on us when the usual spot spat out some fireworks and brilliant colors for us to ooh and ahh at. I had my cheap little camcorder, the one my mom got me from the old Wal-Mart display. It's starting to blur out the pictures, so I won't be shooting any epic block busters on this crappy little thing. I should be greatful for having such a thing, but if it's not going to perform, then how can I get the footage that I want?

Anyway, I was surprised at the amount of skin being exposed by the girls, by most of the young'uns, and I was secretly hoping that they made it home without being attacked and violated for their sexiness being flaunted. Some people will justify taking what they want from others, then blaming them for being vulnerable.

It may be a little late but.......

Happy Canada Day Everyone!!!!!

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