[Monday, Jun. 30, 2003 @ 3:51 p.m.]
[ A Piece Of "Hate". ]

I was helping my mom yesterday with my taxes. I owe over 3,ooo to the government, so my mom sat me down and we rifled through some of my papers. I'd quit acting over the amount of paperwork it has burdeoned me with, since it's a pain in the ass to sift through, but then I came across some booklets mine and another class put together. I'd written a piece, dedicated to a psychotic roommate I lived with from Sept.'92-Dec.'92:


Even as I entered the house, hate's presence was violently felt. He was on the sofa, sitting in a deceivingly calm state. I couldn't help but choke on the ugliness in the air. His cigarette, which was pinched between his fingers, let flow the smoke that slithered upward and into the atmosphere. I couldn't remember the color of his eyes, for he always avoided looking at me. No matter where I was, under that roof, I felt him near me.

I couldn't get him out of my mind!

I could hear his teeth grinding as I entered any room he was in. Civility was his only way of dealing with me. Otherwise I was a chore. I often felt suffocated by him, overwhelmed by his existence, even pigeon-holed and unable to move without worry of provoking him. My footsteps were often light around him, but relaxed when he'd gone out. He'd come home and could chill the place a few degrees, dim the light, and my mood. Eventhough we're apart, I can still sense his feelings for me when he throws a dark look my way and summarizes what I already know.

I'd moved to Vancouver with 3 other people, not knowing them very well, assuming I had. When a problem arosed, Hate handled it badly, destroying the group dynamic and pushing me away with his mixed signals and hostility. Know who you're dealing with is something I'll remember in regards to this psycho.

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He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

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It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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