[Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003 @ 1:59 p.m.]
[ Emotional Baggage ]

So, I'm getting a ride home from one of the actors, the one who's my date this friday, and we process the actor's meeting. Our fascilitator was carrying some emotional baggage about one of our members he clashed with, and when he was laying down the ground rules, it felt like his anger and frustration was directed at her, who wasn't even present and no longer a part of the group. It was interesting to listen to him get all riled up, and her essence was felt, but another member, who told me he wasn't coming anymore, came with a purpose: to bitch in her defense. There were some heated words exchanged, and some more baggage ddumped, and I doubt the new people auditing the group knew what was really going on. At this point, I wondered if it was a good idea for our fascilitator to explain the back history of the past few months and update the newbies on our conflict.

To sum up: Fascilitator disagreed with Charisma about the goals for the group. They butted heads, argued, and Charisma left the group. They couldn't come to an agreement, and there were still some issues the other had pent up inside of them. Whenever I listen to either one of them, I can hear the anger and frustration that the other wasn't listening to them, that they each wanted to be heard, but couldn't agree with the other's opinion.

Anyway, my date for the gala was driving me home, and he said something like, "Maybe something between you and I will evolve", to which I chuckled, lightening the moment. Again, he brings it up with, "Do you see anything happening down the line?", to which I said, "Nah!" and the topic was dropped. I have no reason to think anyone would seriously be interested in me, and I saw this guy as alright, but I'm not interested in men. I'll keep an open mind, but my interest in men won't fall in there. I get too turned on by women, and for me to be interested in men is like him being interested in men. I made that argument with a male friend once, wording it as, "If I have sex with a man, you're having sex with a man!", and the look of disgust on his face was so priceless, I wish I could frame it. When the Gala rolls around, and he gets personal, I may have to come out to him. He's a decent enough guy, but I've witnessed that no matter who the person is, their response can be unpredictable. I shudder whenever I reflect on past responses, and the emotional scars I got out of that still stings.

Well, it's Tuesday, and so far, no phone calls about the auditions and job interviews aren't rolling my way.

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