[Wednesday, Jul. 16, 2003 @ 12:10 p.m.]
[ Again, Thinking of Vancouver ]

Oh, how my heart aches to be back in Vancouver. I felt a twinge when I checked my e-mail, seeing a post from The Cold Reading Series I use to attend out there. They still have me on their mailing list, so they sent me a letter about their Reel Fast Films contest they have every year. I never got to participate in that one, but I got to see the finished films at their gala event, seeing these flicks done in 48 hours and being amazed. Impossible you say? There's even a 24 hour film contest done out there, but it's not as hyped as this one is.


I'll be bitching about Vancouver and Winnipeg off and on. I knew I'd hate myself for moving back to Winnipeg. All I do is write about it, but I don't do much about it. I waste my energy on what I don't have and can't see what to do about it besides the obvious. I'm holding myself back, for fear of failure. I'm sitting in this sense of failure and not getting up to walk the path of success; The road of success is paved with failure. How many more times am I going to fail? I shouldn't depend on my family's support, or what little of it they express to my dreams. I'm a bit of a dreamer, but I want to participate in my goals too.

I'm getting out of the house today.

I must keep active.

While Soaking in Lavendar... - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2019

He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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