[Monday, Apr. 05, 2004 @ 12:14 p.m.]
[ Chuffnutt's Ten Commandments ]

My Commandments � 5 April 2004

If you were supreme ruler of all that you surveyed, what would be your own Ten Commandments? What ten absolute truths or rules would the hapless citizens of Youtopia have to memorize and obey?

1. Whatever you are prejudiced about, will marry into your family: cut that shit out and accept about people's differences.

2. Take everything you learned in kindergarten and apply them to the rest of your life.

3. Do not torture yourself with doubt.

4. Do not waste your breath on those who will not listen to you; Demonstrate through action.

5. Never believe in stereotypes.

6. Never point in someone's face: it's rude.

7. "He who has the most control, loves the least".

8. Always remember that you are never ever alone in your life experiences.

9. Always remember that there's someone out there who remembers you, whether it be some stranger you smiled at, the person at the bank who got frustrated when you gave them an expired check or the little kid who laughed at you when you tripped.

10. "I don't know karate, but I know ka-razy!" ~ James Brown: prevent others from harming you by any means necessary.

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