[Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 @ 4:15 p.m.]
[ "Who Is He, And What Is He To You?"-Creative Source ]

Strange how people come and go in your life.

You never know when you'll meet that person who'll be your friend for many decades, meanwhile others just disappear. I hung out with my friend yesterday, and she mentioned this, and it's always been one of those thoughts that clung to me. Some people drop off without any separation anxiety to deal with, others feel like they've been torn from my side, like a Siamese twin. I dont know when I'll see my friend again. I didn't know if I'd ever see her until her phone call awhile ago.

I remember working at a beadstore several years ago, and this girl walked in, asking if I'd gone to R.H.G.Bonnycastle Elementary School. She'd recognised me from the yearbook picture that she looked at just the day before. I said I did go there, and asked what her name was, and just as she revealed it, I knew exactly who she was. She was slimmer then, blonder too, and was abusive to her dog, but the woman who stood before me had gained some weight, had dirtier blonde hair and seemed earthier. All this time, she was working at a bakery next to where I'd worked. When we were in grade 5, we saw, "9 to 5", at the theatre. I never thought of where friendships would go. I think of the great moment with people who're no longer in my life, and the worst moments from people I regret meeting, and eventhough they provoke strong reactions, they're out in the world somewhere, with me tucked away in their subconscious until something triggers that.

Not to sound self-centered, but I wonder who out there is thinking of me, right now, that I haven't seen since my entire educational career? There are millions of people out there, who's classroom I've shared, and someone has forgotten I ever crossed their path. The person I never think of, will approach me and ask if I remember them.

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