[Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2003 @ 1:21 p.m.]
[ My Vancouver Entry ]

Right now, I'm in Vancouver, typing at an internet cafe, waiting for my friend, who I'm staying with. It's her and her girlfriend that I'm staying with, plus another guy who looks like he's 16, but is really 26.

My parents saw me off at the bus station. I said happy father's day and he just thanked me very much. It was all he wanted, no cards, no crappy gifts, just sincere words. We all hugged each other, then I got behind some guy all dressed in white. It wasn't impressive, since his clothes looked picked out of a charity barrell. How could you not avoid him?

If it weren't for the 5 movies shown, the ride would've made me aware of my aching ass in the seat. I was aware that I was too familiar with the bus depots, since last I'd been to these places was last October, then December of 2001. In one of the bathrooms, someone carved their name and their boyfriend's, trapped in a heart, and underneath it, someone else carved, " are brother and sister".


It was when the bus headed out of Calgary that the scenery looked less dry and became lush with mountains and trees. I couldn't count the amount of waterfalls I'd seen, plus my eyes were watching the movies screen. Not that I was enjoying, "Mickey Blue Eyes" that much, but once I watch a movie, I see it to the end. "Wild Wild West" was the worst, and considering this was shown on a Greyhound bus, that's pretty low on the list of bus movies. If they had a sense of humour, they could've shown, "Speed".

When the bus was getting closer to the last bus depot, I imagined my friends all gathered in anticipation, waiting for my face to appear so they could charge at me and bowl me over like Dino on Fred Flintstone, but nobody was there. My ride left a message on my cell phone that she couldn't pick me up. I ended up phoning my friends and took the skytrain there: so anti-climactic. We sat around and watched, "Queer As Folk" and then smoked a little pot. It's always best to smoke it occasionally rather than daily, so you can appreciate it better.

Well, my friend isn't here, so I've come to the wrong internet cafe.

I still can't believe I'm in Vancouver again!

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It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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