[Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 @ 12:39 p.m.]
[ A Night of Theatre ]

Last night, I saw "Hansel & Gretel" at Fantasy Theatre. Not that I really was in the mood for it, but I wanted to support my fellow actors, and I had nothing else to do on my adult friday night.

The acting was over-the-top, as is the style; one of the actors, who I'm use to seeing as a behind-the-scenes guy, was the lead as Grampa/Witch. It was funny seeing this bearded guy doing a witch, but he did a lively performance that stood out as one of the best I've seen there. I sat with some other fellow Fantasy Theatre Alumni, who at one point, shouted, "Drama Queen!" in reference to an actor acting upset.

Afterwards, we headed off to the King's Head Pub, as is the ritual after every friday night show, so I got to buy my own drink this time. One of the members, who has performed in the past, drove me there and we gabbed, mostly about the weather and past shows. I wasn't sure if I was to meet up with another actor for a meet and great, since it was written down in my scheduler, but I never got a call or anything. I even phoned from my cellphone and left a message, but I got no call back.

As I entered, I recognised an actor whom I'd seen at an audition for the Manitoba Lotteries commercials that I went out months ago. He did really good in his too. I was telling him that I saw that one and another one that I'd auditioned for. "I'm sorry you didn't get it", to which I said, "Well, there's alot I didn't get", and I was on my way to my table of other actors. He probably thought I needed to hear that, but he's an actor, he's had his share of rejections.

I arrived there and The Director was ribbing me that I hang with low-lifes if I know someone in the pub, but I reassured him that we met at an audition and on-set for that TV movie I did background for for 4 days. The rest of the night consisted of me listening in on several conversations, trying to include myself, but I didn't find anything to talk about until I went and came back from the bathroom. "I'll accept whatever the courts decide" was what I walked into: I didn't have to ask who they were talking about. I don't know what to think about Michael Jackson anymore. If he weren't an icon, it would be easier, but I'm also not the parent or child on the other end of this whole drama. I was leaning on being biased, that anyone accused of violating someone, especially if it's more than once, must be somewhat responsible. I almost don't want to decide on his fate because I can afford to. I wasn't there, so I'm spared that agony. I can easily turn my back on the whole thing, switch off the TV, ignore magazine articles, but I do get a chuckle out of what the comedians say, especially about Kobe Bryant. Too many black men in the news for horrible reasons-it's distressing.

Anyway, back to last night.

I'd had only one Smirnoff Ice, felt its mild effects and I got a ride home from the same woman who drove me to the pub. When I mentioned that I did The Vancouver Playhouse several years ago, she wanted details of my experience. It also jogged my memory about the lowest point of working with professionals: I arrived one afternoon to get ready for the matinee show, when I saw that the union actors had not only arrived early, but were just coming out of a room. "Hey, how come you guys are here before us?" I asked, but I was ignored. It lingered a bit, but I didn't make an issue of it. The show went on and ended a month later, then I saw an article in the paper about our union actors feeling crowded out by student rookie actors taking their jobs away. I mean, these are actors who've made their careers, earned their awards, done tons of episodic TV like "X-files" and movies, starring alongside American actors, and they have the nerve and pettiness to bitch and moan about us measely actors who get the opportunity to have our moment on a large stage like the Vancouver Playhouse? How sneaky to wait for the article to come out after the show ended. That was the only bitter taste in my mouth about the whole thing. I see some of them on TV or in movies, yet I think how stupid they were for worrying about us. Overall, I'd perform again on such a huge stage if I had to do it again.

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