[Monday, Oct. 27, 2003 @ 11:23 p.m.]
[ I Was Surrounded By Actors & Lesbians! Mmmmm...... ]

There's so much snow outside, I just don't see the point of ever going out again. I want to hibernate until around late March/early April, then step out to experience Spring. I've never been a big fan of winter, of snow especially, but I suppose I could put my ice skates to use.

I went to an actor's workshop on Sunday, spent all day learning things that every actor thirsts after for 25 bucks. There's 2 more that I'm to take, but I don't have the extra 50 bucks to plunk down right now. Hell, I didn't have the 25 until I sold a necklace to some saleman, courtesy of my younger brother. I'm hoping that luck will fall in my lap and those workshops will have me attending them in no time. The last one, the third that requires us to bring blank VHS tapes for on-camera practice, is full, but I'm hoping, with fingers crossed, that somebody will opt out. Only 10 are allowed, but on Sunday, only 7 of us showed up, and there were to be just 2 more. If I attend all 3, I get to be a full union member=first dibs on auditions and all sorts of financial benefits. I'd feel like a professional, but I must work on that now, without any money that is.

After the workshop, I went to a lesbian pot luck party, courtesy of my friend I met on-line. I don't really want to admit it, but it was lame. It felt so wholesome and bland, like I were at a church group. There were 2 teenaged boys there, one looking like he was tolerating being around lesbians and one who was full of nervous chatter. His mom was the real butch one, who's birthday was Sunday. There was singing around the piano, a board game, but otherwise lame. At one point, someone said to another, "Wanna go outside for a smoke?" to which I almost jumped up, assuming they meant pot, but the other part of my brain reminded me that this isn't Vancouver, where pot is to Vancouverites as beer is to Winnipeggers. Since it was a pot luck, I decided to bring a can of stuffed grape leaves. I scored points with those!

As lovely as the women were, I really wanted to go home. I thought I'd remembered to tell my mom that I went to a pot luck, but today she assumed I was at the actor's workshop all day. Maybe she wanted to see if I was lying or didn't hear right. Whatever. I'm getting paranoid.

Last night's dream, I was 'performing oral pleasure' to an old 'friend' when she removed herself from my lips. I wasn't too pleased, so in a huff, I left. Not even in my dreams can I get off properly. What awoke me was a major coughing fit. The heater was on, drying out my room, and my throat felt like I had a large ball of hair afterwards. I can still taste the metallic flavour, even after brushing my teeth and all. Yuck!

Tonight, another re-run of "Queer As Folk".

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He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

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It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

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