[Thursday, May. 01, 2003 @ 11:38 p.m.]
[ The Wonders Of Soy ]

Woke up way too early: 4am actually. I automatically made coffee and took some back to my room. I was expected to stay up, thinking that when/if I got a job, it wouldn't be hard to awake so early anyway, but it seemed like I'd blinked and a few hours went by. Coffee on an empty stomach is obviously no good, for not only does it rot your stomach, but your mood swings way down. I wanted to be wired today, but I was so down I wanted to feel comatose for the whole day. I felt sad, dragging my frown around the house, my dad unsuspecting. I had to get ready by 2pm, for my mom wanted to play badminton at the Wellness Centre. I almost didn't want to, thinking that I wasn't in the mood, but I knew that excersize would do me some good. I wanted nothing to do with anything electronic today, so I actually turned off the tv! Yeah, I know, it is amazing, but I didn't even surf the internet either; only created some new resumes, so I felt like such an adult. I had this pure soy protein powder, so I mixed it with some juice, hoping my energy would lift my spirits: tasted too powdery. After the stationary cycle and the hour long session at a barely attended day, I gradually felt horny! Sheesh! I'm starting to get cabin fever, climbing the walls from the lack of "socialization". Tomorrow night, I have to do something, or my skin will peel off of me and go hunting without me. It gets to the point where I'm fantasizing about men and women. Not that I'm bisexual, but it's my brain and I can conjure whomever I want, plus it's always a test to see what parts tingle and what parts lay dormant. Women=tingle, Men=dormant. Even really pretty boys might set a bic lighter under my big toe with desire, but other than that, men are chocolate, but women are double-chocolate chip with almonds! That soy protein did wonders for my mood! Who needs drugs? I was more than jolly while watching "Friends" and "Will & Grace" tonight, which is to be continued, so I'll be using the powder more often in drinks, especially soy milk. Mmm....soy!

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