[Saturday, Nov. 29, 2003 @ 5:35 a.m.]
[ Friday Five: Shopping ]

1. Do you like to shop? Why or why not? I mostly like to browse, making retail salespeople nervous. Yes, I love to shop when I have the money.

2. What was the last thing you purchased? 50 cent popcorn at a legion when I attend my actor's group.

3. Do you prefer shopping on-line or at an actual store? Why? I've never shopped on-line before. I love going out of the house, circulating out there in the public and being stimulated by my surroundings. I hate being couped up inside the house at times, and to go to the mall or downtown is a way to escape, whether or not I have money. Sometimes I'll see products on-line, so browsing that was is less intrusive to the retailers, and I'm not looked upon as a potential shoplifter.

4. Did you get an allowance as a child? How much was it? When I was around 10, my dad gave my brothers and I an allowance of 5 bucks every second thursday, but after almost a year, cancelled it: he thought we didn't deserve it.

5. What was the last thing you regret purchasing? I regret over-purchasing. I tend to run out of money: "A fool and his/her money are soon parted" seems to be a curse to me. fridayfive

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