[Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 @ 4:08 p.m.]
[ Script-O-Rama! ]

Today, I will go to my actor's group. I just downloaded the script to "Agnes of God" from Drew's Script-O-Rama, the scene Millie wants me to do with her and the whole script. I also downloaded "Thelma & Louise", but just the scene. I lent the DVD to Tanis, so I can't lend it to Sheri, in case she hasn't seen the film. Sometimes motivation feels like it's on the other side of a dental-floss bridge over a boiling lake of lava, but I'm greatfull when I get to the other side. I'm still in my pajamas. Must get out of them and head downtown to meet up with Millie so she can drive both of us to the Lodge.

Hank seemed down that he didn't do a good reading as Ryan did when he did,"Dogma". Hank hadn't seen the movie, meanwhile Ryan was a Kevin Smith fan who'd seen the movie a billion times, maybe only 5 times. I hope he doesn't quit acting. It's always sad when I hear an actor has given up for some reason or another, good or bad. Puts the seed of doubt in me. Must push onward though.

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I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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