[Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 @ 2:44 a.m.]
[ Not Sad ]

I checked my e-mail, worried I'd get hit with an angry letter from my long-lost friend. Another friend of mine sent me one, and it started with, "I feel I must explain something to you..", to which she accused me of naming her a bigot, trying to rise above her feelings but lashing out at me, coming across as indignant. That was the worst letter I'd ever received from anyone, and I expected my long-lost friend to hurl abuse that I couldn't handle. I figured that I'd bite the bullet if it came to that. To my relief, she expressed compassion, saying that it's rude for people to be unexcepting and such. Now, I can't wait to meet her. I'll call her later today and see where she wants to meet. I'm glad she reacted the way she did. There's nothing worse than exposing your heart and having some clod stomp on it.

I don't know how I'd have dealt with a bad reaction. Well, actually, I'd fixate on it; being depressed for me means that I focus on my sorrow so I can solve the problem, thinking that happiness is on the other side, but instead I'd be so weighed down with sadness that I wouldn't get out of it. Nobody uses the word "sad" anymore: Depressed, in-a-blue-funk, ennui, melancholy and in-the-doldrums. Can't we just say we're sad? We all get sad, that's a part of life, but we must think of the moment we're in and focus on doing, rather than being. Does that make any sense?

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