[Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 @ 11:16 p.m.]
[ Hanging w/Other Actors. ]

Having a bus pass gives me reason to get out of the house more. Not just for job-hunting or anything else important, but to prevent my brain from rotting and going squirrelly from being all couped up inside. The mind can go to weird places sometimes, like a case of cabin fever.

I ended up at a coffee shop for my actor's meeting around 7pm. This time, there was 3 of us, as opposed to 2 last September. We gabbed and chit-chatted about acting, books on acting, movies, auditions, and did some name-dropping. It lasted over 2 hours this time, which is a good thing.

Every Wednesday I go to my actor's group, since we changed it from Mondays. I assumed my dad knew this, so when I arrived home, he said that some guy phoned. Now, he's done this before, hoping I'll rat myself out and say, "Oh yeah, I was on a date and we had sex.....Oops!", or something to that effect. I asked him what he wanted and he said he just called, asked for me, then when my dad asked to write down a message, he said no and hung up, saying all of this without looking at me: that's my indicator when someone is lying to me, because their insincerety will shine through. Haven't you had people lie about someone leaving a message for you, when really they just want to know what shenanigans you're up to? I asked how his voice sounded. He seemed irritated. "Was it a high or low voice?" I suggested, so he chose,"It was high". I chuckled and went to my room. When a person jerks me around like that, I don't give them what they want. I mean, I've been here over a year and I haven't had any action, but he must think I'm screwing around with someone, being a whore. My dad must not think much of me to try and set me up like that. If he tailed me in his cab, he wouldn't find anything incriminating on me.

It's almost silly.

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I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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