[Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 @ 4:24 p.m.]
[ Hate Mail ]

I awoke unusually early this morning; had a good walk yesterday, so that was my excersize for the day. Slept well, until I awoke to sore calves. Of all the body parts to be sore, only my calves are suffering. A sign that the rest of me is toning up, finally. Again, no one is in the house: I'm alone.

My e-mail inbox had one letter, by someone calling me a nasty sodomite. Yes, it's hate mail from a fellow Jamaican. How could I tell? If you're familiar with the patois they speak, then you'll also have a hard time understanding it when it's spoken to you. Also, this guy's letter was spelt like how he spoke, but being a Canadian-born of Jamaican-descent, I only understood the jist of the letter: I hate you, and you should die! I have a son....and so on. I felt my fearful heart race at the ugliness of it, but then I saw he had a photo of himself and his son. For a hateful guy, he was thoughtfull enough and took the time to send me his intimate family photo. What, should I look out for him? I deleted it and didn't think much of it. After awhile, I thought, what if it was a virus or something? Is this guy sophisticated enough to do such a thing? How did he get my address anyway? My only connection would be J-Flag, but I was swift enough to avoid posting my e-mail address, in case some idiot homophobe felt like communicating with the likes of us.

How safe am I on the internet? Will he write again? I should've blocked his address, but luckily he didn't mention my name, since he said, "To the batty bwoy or who eva dis fa", translation, "To the faggot or whomever this is for".

Some people just need a venue to barf their hate somewhere, and the idea that a repressed group can get rights takes away the rights of the oppressors to unleash their right and abuse others. Think about it: if I was homophobic, and had all sorts of angry baggage I couldn't relieve myself of, I could find a person or a minority that hadn't any rights, take my rage out on them, the law would allow it, and I'd get away with it. Every group who's demanded rights, did it to prevent abuse and harassment, diminishing violence in the world. If you allow violence against a minority, you're allowing violence to exist, until they come after you or your loved one.

After I deleted that guy's e-mail, which also had his address attached, I wondered if I should've written him back? Did he think his address wouldn't be included, or did he intentionally add it for an e-mail war? I imagined a flood of other hateful people sending me angry bile, harassing me to no end.

We shall see.

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