[Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 @ 10:31 p.m.]
[ Gregory Hines: R.I.P. ]

I just found out that Gregory Hines died on Saturday. I'd only seen him in a couple of films, but it was still a surprise.

I found out about it just a minute ago, on Yahoo!News, and after reading it, I dared to check out the post/message board that people left. I was assuming that maybe no one knew or cared who he was, until I saw hundreds of responses. That would sound like a good thing, but I saw titles like, "Mommy, why are liberals queer huggers?", and claiming that he died of AIDS, and other stupid crap.

Most of these people are grown adults, writing stuff like this. Are they trying to be funny or what? Sometimes the people that leave messages on there are gross and very offensive. They can say the cruelest things, leave even the most irreverent websites to click to and make their point even more pointless, exposing their moronic side. The dregs of society go their alot, although I've been there too. I made sure to recommend a notice that mentioned that he'd be missed. Others recommended that post too, so at least there are some sane people in these boards.

Another day, another rehearsal. We stumbled through it, tripping over lines, getting our exits and entrances wrong, but we did the whole play. I'm pushing through the process, knowing that opening night is getting closer, and my lines are still shaky. I keep forgetting when to put my white dress on and when to take it off, when to go stage left or stage right. Sheesh! I'll get it right, if anything, no matter what happens, the show will go on and we'll be plugging away like it were a tidal wave of obstacles.

While Soaking in Lavendar... - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2019

He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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