[Sunday, Feb. 29, 2004 @ 12:46 a.m.]
[ On Seeing "The Passion of the Christ" w/My Parents. ]

My mom wanted to see "The Passion of the Christ", so I suggested we see it, the whole family. My younger brother wasn't sure he'd get off work soon, so he said to go without him.

The one thing that stuck out in my mind on our way to Polo Park SilverCity Cinema was a sign saying, "We have great nuts!" outside a hardware store, but it wasn't the strongest thing that lingered with me.

We went intended on seeing the 7pm show, but the billboard said 8:15, so like we did when we saw "The Ring", mom bought us tickets for the 10pm show, but we snuck into the 8:15 anyway. My parents were getting all worried about getting caught, but the ushers only looked at the big number on the ticket, plus we waited until there were a herd of people going in. My dad still didn't get that we were sneaking into the earlier show, complaining that he has to work later and that the 10pm show was too late. It's almost exhausting to explain things to him repeatedly. We were the first in a long line up of people, so we waited the longest. As the doors opened to let out the 5pm crowd, I made note of their facial expressions; everyone was so quiet and weary. Hearing so much about the movie, I wanted to see their expressions, as I usually do. After getting in and waiting an hour, the movie started and I was anticipating this flick.

All I can say is: I'm emotionally worn out. As the cliche goes, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. I even heard my parents sniffling. I'd glance around discreetly and notice people clutching their kleenex' and wiping their faces.


The most graphic part of the movie was the torture scene. The weapons used on him made me cringe just looking at them, especially the one that had metal pieces at the end of that cat-o-nine-tails thing. I was tempted at points to yell out "Jesus Christ!" just because it would've been appropriate. The saddest part was as Jesus was being tortured and his mother couldn't bare to watch, so even as she walking away with tears streaming down her face, you could hear the flogging echoed in the distance.


It was heart-breaking to watch and brought moistue to my eyes. It also ruins it when you've seen interviews of the actor and director, flashing back to comments and anecdotes from them interrupting me, but now it just adds to the trivia of the whole experience. I've never heard an audience so quiet before. I expected them to applaud when it was over, but we were all too numb. I guess that numbness came as a result of feeling overwhelmed with emotion from what Jesus was being put through. I mean, we all know the story, but to see it done differently than how my church does it every Easter was as different as night and day. The next time I'm in church and I see the passion play acted out, I think I'll yell out, "That's not the way Mel Gibson would've directed it!" What an impact!

So, afterwards, as we all file out from our emotional flogging, I look at the next group of victims about to be assaulted by this movie, seeing how virginal they were. It's like that scene in "Saving Private Ryan" where the brand new soldiers were walking past the other ones sorting out the name tags of the dead soldiers: future audience members had those same faces going in. Now there's another gut-wrenching movie.

I couldn't wait to hear what my parents thought: my mom could only comment on how quiet the theatre was, while my dad said it wasn't done right. I actually called him a heathen! Me, an athiest, calling my dad a heathen, twice, in the parking lot! Like I said, we all know the story, so for my dad to comment that it was too graphic and to say not all of the story was put in seemed petty. He wanted to take us out for a drink and I think we needed one after the movie, but my mom just didn't want to: My parents are no fun! I even said this out loud too. My dad's no alcoholic, but he puts back more booze than any of our family members, plus my mom was driving, so it would've been our family saturday night.

Anyway, when I recommend this movie to my brothers or anyone else, I'll suggest to them to buy a stiff drink after the movie.

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