[Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2003 @ 8:37 a.m.]
[ I'm Off To Chapters. ]

I'm dressed halfway, ready to go to Chapters for an interview. I think that's what it is. One of the managers phoned yesterday, asking if I was availible for seasonal work, and if I'd be willing to stay on permanently, and when I said yes, he said "Great!", then set up a time for me to come in: 11:30am! I'm trying to dress like I work there already, dressing like someone at Chapters would. It'll take me over an hour to travel down there by bus. I had to ask my mom for busfare, there and back, so she rifled through my dad's little container of change and fished out something for me, adding a 5 dollar bill for whatever.

Yesterday, after I told my mom about the impending interview, she suggested that I dress better, then commented on how I usually look. When I told her not to say that, that my self-esteem isn't helped much by it, I had to remind her that I loved her, but not to say those things to me. I always feel bad when I speak out, no matter who or what, but she threw up her hands and said, "I was just trying to help". I know she was, but I put up with being flogged emotionally, thinking I should be obedient and take everything flung at me, then later she's giving me busfare. Everyday I'm reminded that she's over 60; she could be gone from my life, ripped out of my life forever, and I hate those thoughts.

I can't dwell on this.

Must think of the interview. I hope they hire me as seasonal. This morning, before even getting dressed, I was wishing I'd applied at The Gap again, so I'd at least have some better clothes collecting in my wardrobe.

We shall see.

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He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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