[Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 @ 5:24 p.m.]
[ Not Quite The Diva. ]

Sometimes when I audition, I either feel like the crappiest actor who couldn't enter a high school play or that I should've gotten Halle Berry's Oscar: Today I felt like the crappy one.

I went to my audition early to pick up the sides for the TV Reporter. I couldn't focus like I did on Monday, but I tried ("Trying is Dying"-John Bradshaw). After going over my lines and trying to squeeze the nervous tension out through my toes, the cameraman called me in. Being polite, I stuck out my hand to shake Jim Heber's, but he waves it away saying, "No, don't need that". I stood on one mark on the floor to get a picture taken from the video camera, then I'm instructed to go over to a bigger one: they didn't have me slate [say my name and phone number into the camera] like they do in Vancouver, but I didn't ask to.

As I do the scenes, my eyes wander, which is a sign of flaking-out, so Jim has to tell me to focus on the reader, who's blank stare I imitate. The Dispatcher role was only 3 lines, so that only needed to be repeated 3x. The 6-pager, Officer Pauline Howell, made me feel like I was being whipped into acting better, for I had to be reminded to sound authoritative, with solid eye contact, which I failed at. That felt like an hour compared to finally doing the TV Reporter. I stiffly read the mini-monologue, and got, "Well, definitely not the TV Reporter" with sincerity. At least he wasn't bitchy: My gay-dar went off the meter hearing his voice over the phone, then broke it when I crossed the threshold upon stepping into the casting room. He's not the only gay Casting Director I've met, and that's not many. My hair seemed to be an issue; The first headshot I'd sent him had my hair about 1/2 an inch, but as I entered and gave him my new one, I looked like I'd stepped out of Bob Marley's tour bus. I made sure to pin it up to look conservative. After discussing my hair volume, he made a note that it could be made smaller. Why do people think I'm so conservative? Again, I didn't get to shake his hand as I was leaving, but I was relieved, only it was hard to feel the tension melt away, since tying up my hair only yanks at my face, giving me a headache.

I took advantage of the April snow that surprised most Winnipeggers today and attempted a snowbunny, then because there wasn't enough snow, and leaves and twigs were clinging to the lopsided snow-boulders, I figured I'd make 2 snowpeople. My dad arrived and tossed me the house keys to finally get inside. After 7 months, I still don't have the alarm security key, hence the snowpeople; I'll never finish it. I took the bobby-pins out and my face relaxed after I got inside.

I still have to hear from the Fem Fest today on whether or not I got a role in one of the plays for this June.

I'm starved and I need to go, "drop the kids off at the pool" winkwinknudgenudge.

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