[Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003 @ 9:12 p.m.]
[ "I'll Be There For You"~The Rembrandts ]

A friend took me out to lunch today.

I got a call from TC, who wanted to hang out with me, since it had been so long. I wrote her back, saying I was broke and wanted to have enough cash for the both of us to dine or something. Well, she writes me back, saying she got some money that was owed to her, since her accident, and wanted to take me out to lunch. I usually let friends pay for me, otherwise I'd never have a social life. It's humiliating to feel so dependent on people. Someday, I want to spend money on my friends, take care of friends and family. Sushi was what we agreed on, so I met her downtown at the location, but it wasn't open until 1pm: we arrived at 12:30pm. When we went into a nearby coffee shop, we ordered our drinks and I found us a seat near a man who was knitting a sweater as a gift. Right in the middle of the coffee shop! I was intrigued and amazed. It looked really good so far from what he had.

TC and I were talking about fathers, how she refers to her bio-father as a sperm-donar and that her step-dad died 2 years ago, then when I told her about discovering that my father wasn't my real one, she was surprised. TC and I don't reveal that much about each other, and I thought of telling her that. I almost felt like it came off as me trying to one-up her in, "Well, at least you know your dad, let me tell you about mine...". Maybe someone from the outside might've thought that, but it's really nothing to brag about. I mean, to reveal something so personal wasn't my intention to get the reaction I did. I guess I'm still feeling vulnerable after letting that little nugget out. I don't wear my story on a t-shirt that says, "I'm a Bastard!", but then again, when I said to her, "You see, we're almost sisters!" she quips, "Yeah, but at least I'm not a bastard!"

That was funny.

Since she got this load of money, she decided to buy me a gift: a ring that looks like chain-maille, because she knows that's what I like to make. She's always thinking of people's uniqueness and finding a way to wrap it up as a gift for them; She knows how to pick a gift that others want.

Later, at the Sushi bar, as we entered, there was a beautiful courtyard, with the restaurant entrance on the left. I don't go to enough Japanese restaurants, and I should, because I love the food, man! I love vegetarian sushi! I simply ordered the avocado & cucumber maki, the avocado maki and some mushroom one: delisioso! Even as we left to take a bus, she offered me a bus ticket, but I said I had some fare already: she offered it anyway.

I'm glad she's my friend, and I hate her ex-boyfriend more and more. He was originally my friend, then when he and TC hooked up, and their relationship fell apart, she and I hung out more. Sometimes his name pops up in chit-chat, but it easily melts away, like he didn't matter.

He still doesn't.

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