[Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 @ 8:12 a.m.]
[ Bills, Cameras, Cookbooks and Jobs ]

Last night, I took the video camera to my actor's group.

I snuck the camera out in two Wal-Mart bags. My dad saw the bag and asked, "Is that garbage?", to which I said, "No", and made my way out without satisfying his curiousity. Whew, dodged that bullet, eventhough I must've had guilt written all over my face. I also didn't want to walk around with expensive equipment and raise anyone's curiousity. Once I got there and cracked that thing open, I really got into it. Since I held the camera, I held the "auditions" and gave suggestions on different readings once the actors did their scenes. I used a brief scene from this series shot in '95 called, "Strange Luck" starring D.B.Sweeney, since I'd used it in a past on-camera workshop. There were 10 minutes left on the tape of family outings, so I could only do half of the group, rewind and tape over them. There was a certain amount of power felt on the other side of the audition process, and I didn't want my turn in front of it. Not to say I don't ever want to audition again, but it can be nerve-wrecking, and last night I got to lay back and watch. I'm so glad I brought it with me too. It broke up the monotony of our usual meetings. I brought the camera home, safely, worried that dad discovered it missing, but if he did, he kept that to himself.

I paid our phone bill on Tuesday.

I phoned it in, using the Tele-banking service and layed down a couple of hundred bucks. I thought it was more, but when I found out the amount, I thought, "That's it?" Of course, my dad has other bills to juggle, so each one of them is piling as we speak. I just heard that destinctive ring moments ago, that long distance beat that we're so use to ignoring. I almost wish I didn't pay it just to avoid that annoying sound. He phoned them about the bill and they said I called and paid it. Dad was baffled on why I didn't tell him about it first and said he'd pay me back. It couldn't be finalized without his say so, so he put in the hook-up fee and we're ringing again. We were driving silently in the car yesterday; me sitting there, wanting to feel useful for once by chipping in on a family duty. I feared that maybe the money didn't go through, and it might as well have been set on fire. "Thanks for paying the bill" he said, like it were painful for him to say.

My only extravagance was "The Garden of Vegan" cookbook, sequel to, "How It All Vegan". I was so excited to see it on the shelves, so this was yesterdays treat. That, and an issue of "Bust" magazine. I had this image of my dad seeing it and assuming it was a dirty magazine focussing on boobs. I used to read "Details" magazine because I hated the typical women's mags that pushed fashion, the ideal heterosexual woman and other crap in your face, and with Details, I could read the articles and get a guy's point of view.

Well, yesterday was International Unemployed Meetup Day, and I hocked my resumes here and there. I'm hoping the two DVD/CD places I applied at will call me for an interview: I could tolerate working there. The people, at both places, asked me what kind of music I liked to listen to: I dug them already, rattling off some genres off the top of my head.

I hope they call me, or I'll call them on Monday.

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He Reminded Me of An Incident Years Ago - Monday, Feb. 04, 2019

My Rose-Coloured Glasses are Smashed & I Don’t Want Them Anymore - Sunday, Feb. 03, 2019

It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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