[Sunday, Aug. 03, 2003 @ 4:40 p.m.]
[ She Graced Our Lawn With That Body Of Hers ]

It's day 2, and the yard sale wasn't as magnetic to the public as yesterday.

One girl bought a pair of peace earrings and sported a black T-shirt saying, "Pause", and had the pause icon in the middle. "What" I said,"they didn't have 'fast forward, stop, play, or even forward advance?" and she giggles: my small comedic moment! She's off with her mom, and hours later, a young Ethiopian man bikes up to our place, instantly attracted to our tv stand and record-player stand w/vinyl album rack underneath. Each were 4 bucks, but by day 2, we just wanted to unload this crap, so they're both worth one measely buck. He's sizing it up, figuring out how to cart these home on his bike, until I utter, "Would you like us to put a hold on those so you can get your car?" It may not have occurred to him, judging by the surprised look on his face, but he likes it and says he's coming back with his sister. I even pictured the site of him riding his bike, balancing both tables duct-taped to his back, them reaching the intersection and having it all collapse on him during the after-church traffic. He'd be bruised and embarrased, but the drivers would curse him for it. I love using my imagination!

Finally, an hour later, after no more crowds come rushing to relieve us of our worthless booty, he arrives in a small red car riding shotgun. Out from the driver's seat pops a curvacious woman in a sporty yet form-fitting dress, hair tied back and simple sandles. Like a parking ticket, she had FINE written all over her! I'd almost lost hope in glancing at someone who'd grace our lawn with their fine strut, but this one helped her brother with our throw-away. Dad thought that no one would buy it, so he argued with mom to toss the thing, barking at her and awaking me from my sleep.

I swear, her body was like an eclipse, for her image still burns in my memory right now. I'll be watching the Simpsons later, distracted. Until I fall asleep tonight, she'll be in my peripheral vision all day long. Even if I received bad news today, I'd have something to blanket my uneasy mind.

Yeah, she's just some woman, but my eyes needed a relief from today's grey skies and this computer screen that I stare at more than my tv and from my daily outlook, don't you think?

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