[Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005 @ 12:37 a.m.]
[ Dad Got The Phone Numbers Mixed Up! ]

My dad was to have his hair cut by my younger brother, but realized that he had to go to work. I can still picture it: Dad is asking me if he should phone him, to which I advise he phone his cellphone. Anyone with a cellphone will be quicker to get over their home/work phone, which takes too long to explain to my dad. Anyway, dad dials, talks into the phone, to which he rambles with no point. I take matter into my own hands and pick up the other receiver to simply say dad won't be home, he'll be at work so don't come over. All this time, I'm assuming this is my younger brother's cellphone he's leaving this message on, since I'd suggested this twice! Hours later, dad's gone to work, mom had come home and is all lounging before the tv when the door buzzer scratches the air. I also notice my brother's car is out back and I'm assuming he got the message and must be arriving for some other reason. I open the door and see 2 bars of soap he'd purchased in Toronto, so I figured his trip wasn't a total waste when he asks, "Where's Dad?" I'm thinking this boy has bumped his head or something, for I'm 100% positive a message was left on his voicemail. I'm made to look like I'm getting my days mixed up, for the younger brother is telling me he got the message yesterday, that I'm turning into dad and losing my memory, that dad really needs to have a c-scan and that I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. After being ridiculed, my brother leaves. I'm shaking my head, wondering what the hell is going on when he phones and plays back the message left on his home phone!. "We cool?" he asks, and I say, "Yeah, sure!"

I knew I wasn't crazy!

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