[Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005 @ 5:55 a.m.]
[ More Penetration! ]

I'd rather spend the rest of the year in bed, under the covers, watching all my DVD's. I'd also like to snuggle with someone for most of that time, with the heater up while we trapse around naked and gettin' it on. I'm hating all this snow that has fallen upon us since Tuesday. I'm less motivated to leave the house. I was surprised I even got home at all, what with the busses running at a different schedule and the rest of us being victim to its whim. I just don't want to face that white stuff anymore, not for a long while. Lots of customers complained about it, my dad complained about it, and now I'm venting right here. I'll snuggle in my bed, being my unsexual self. The man is still out of town, and possible will be because of this snow. He leaves to get away from the cold stuff, so I don't know when I'll experience him again. I have my imagination, but that's all I had when I was celibate, and look how frusttrated and miserable it left me? Yeah, that tension that built up for over 3 years has gone, but like potato chips, I want more.

I hate my sex life. I hate my love life. I hate thinking about the two. I hate wanting both and getting only a fraction of them. Bah! I'm getting miserable again! Need some lady-lovin'! Something! Even when this one co-worker mentioned another one looking good these days, it started my fantasize going. Damn her!

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I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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