[Monday, Jul. 04, 2005 @ 11:40 p.m.]
[ Hi, I'm An Actress (Can I Take Your Order?) ]

I had the misfortune of saying yes when my dad asked if I wanted a ride to work.
I don't know why I say yes when I know it'll be very stressful. I don't know how many times he asked me what time I started work, then after the 3rd time, in the car he's telling me I told him it was at 12:30pm. Sigh! Then he has to stop by the bank which meant I was going to be late. I should've told him to wait after he dropped me off, I'm so stupid! Gah! In the back of my brain, I tell myself never again. Sometime, before this month ends, he'll ask me for a ride and I'll accept, and the whole cycle will start anew.
When I was at work, the stress I had dumped on me was worked out as I did some measley labour by cleaning up the place and answering stupid questions by managers. That place pisses me off sometimes. I seem to squeeze in the time for auditions but not for other more lucrative work. Also, I'm an actor, so why can't I just wait tables? I'll bitch and moan about this until I do something about it and then it maybe too late. I might get fired or something else out of my control. Always waiting for fate to do what I was too lazy/scared to do myself. I find myself snapping at my dad lately, and even at my mom. My patience is running short. This house is getting too small for me and the state of dependence is strangling me. Must. Get. Out.

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It’s Been Awhile - Saturday, Feb. 02, 2019

I Never Needed You. - Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014

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