[Saturday, Sept. 24, 2005 @ 12:01 a.m.]
[ Fuckin' Mother-Fuckers! ]

I want to barf all over them!
I think I'm a decent enough person, that I'm pretty likeable. I'd like to think my list of enemies can be counted upon one hand. I want to get along with everyone at work, and if I can't, then so be it.
I get bitched at when I'm at work, to do things I'm already doing. I feel management isn't paying attention, so when they question my duties, I believe they haven't a clue about what I do and just throw out orders to seem managerial.
During the downtime, for some reason, one of the co-workers, a young kid, confided in me. Apparently, some of the morning people hate the way I act towards the customers. Seriously! Don't you hate it when you go to a fast-food place and the counter people have no class, no manners and just want to give it to you fast? Do you notice how often they smile? Me neither. I'm freindly, doing my job because it's what make working there tolerable. I have no career ambitions to own Wendy's or to even be a manager, but I don't want to be a zombie either. Apparently, my way of acting towards the customers bothers some staff members. It makes me think that this was one of the reasons one of the managers [who's now a GM at a different place!], hated me. You can always sense things, even before it becomes clear to you. After that, I felt glum. I smiled less after that. I hated working there even more. I was so glad I brought my resumes with me, so I'd get more motivated to sling them out to whomever I'd rather work with. I don't want to work where I'm hated. Sure, I'm not there to start a chosen family, but still, fuck! Bastards! The ones I suspect to have these ill-feelings towards me had already left for the day. You know that saying, "Kill the messanger"? Well, I had the word, "he's a good kid" in regards to the one who told me this tid-bit. You know what? He only told me the truth. I had to sift through it a bit, feeling he was only summing up what they said, saying this behind their backs. If I knew someone was saying nasty stuff about someone, it would bother me too, whether I ended up blabbing about it or not. The best thing to do would not to allude to him saying this to me. He only brought things into focus.

To make matters worse, I slipped and fell on my back. As I was slipping, I couldn't catch my balance and so the hit was so disappointment in my lack of control, physically.

You know, this is the second time someone told me of my fellow co-workers saying shitty things about me behind my back. The first time was at my last place of work in Vancouver, but that guy who told me was a jerk. Yeah, he was a pot-smokin' buddy, but he was a jerk too.

Good thing this is the weekend. I can stew about this and sit on it the whole time.

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